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Archive for General
First update for CPlotProv3
There has been an update (3.01) released for CPlotProv3. The update returns some functions that existed in CPlotProv2 that were inadvertently removed.
You can see your current version by selecting About CPlotPro from the Help menu.
The full versions have been updated so no need to update if you download after today.
Links to the update instructions are:
Fixes include:
1. Being able to print a Cast Size Chart whether Actor names have been entered or not.
Two reports have been added to the Character print list that will print all Characters for the Show or Episode on a form where sizes can be manually entered if they haven’t been entered on the computer.
2. In version 3, when Add Changes is selected in the Budget layout existing changes would be duplicated. In the update, the behavior has been returned to the way it worked in CPlotProv2, only new Changes are added to the Budget. Also, the “omit” field has been returned for instant feedback in Budget for when Character or Background names have been changed or when a Change is no longer used in any scenes.
3. CPlotProv3 introduced the ability to create different Budget versions but this was not working properly in Episodic shows and this was corrected.
4. Several minor fixes : The Change delete button in the Changes layout didn’t work properly. Delete of a Recurring Character would delete all instances of that Character.
5. The closet items entered for a Change were not sorting in the way that they were entered on the Change Sheets.
If all goes as expected, version three of CPlotPro will be available in the next couple weeks. Sorry the inconvenience and the fact that it took so long to get this completely rewritten version available. The program has been in development since July 2010.
As well as being compatible with the modern operating systems (Windows 7 and Lion), it will offer new features such as the ability to assign photos to Changes and Cast and also provide easier ways to export a Show to send to another owner of the program.
Also sorry that the availability is still vague, but unforeseen discoveries can cause delays.
This will be a paid upgrade except for those who have purchased the program within the last year. The price has not yet been determined.
Notification will be sent to all current customers at the last known (or entered) email. To be sure you receive a notice at your current email, you can send an email to and your email will be updated.
Thanks for your understanding ; )
Mac users! Update Warnings……….
Problems have been reported on CPlotProv2 after updating to 10.6.8. Please do not update if you wish to continue to use the program. Also, there will be a new version of the Mac OS X called Lion that is now available to developers and will be available for purchase later this summer or early fall. The current version of CPlotPro will probably not work in Lion (it requires Rosetta and Lion will not contain Rosetta). As you know, Filemaker Pro is used to develop CPlotPro and version 3 of CPlotPro is almost available for testing. Even Filemaker Pro will not address Lion compatibility until the final version is released. For now, it’s a waiting game although testing of the new version can proceed on the older OS X (10.6.7 and lower) to work out programming bugs in the program itself.
The new version of CPlotPro will be released once it is tested and compatibility with Lion is confirmed.